ANSWER: #1 Add them to yourr WHITELIST or
APPROVED senders or ADDRESS book. Each email service and software is
different. Please see your HELP file on the software or service that you
are using for more information. If the emails go into your spam folder,
just select the email and mark it as NOT SPAM or NOT JUNK or add them
to your CONTACTS or ADDRESS book.
ANSWER: #2 Their email service may be
blocked by our firewall. This happens when a user is on a network or IP
address that is known to have spam issues. After Dark Grafx servers use
multiple spam lists to check to see if the email that is coming into the
server is spam by using these lists among other techniques to block
spam. If you are a current After Dark Grafx client you can easily ALLOW
someone to send email to you at your hosted DOMAIN with After Dark Grafx
by adding that email address or domain to the Spam Assassin White List
Settings. If you need help setting this up, please contact us.